UX Discovery: Michigan Child Support

UX Discovery

i4J Partnered with the Michigan Office of Child Support on a User Experience (UX) Discovery Project

Prototype designs

Child support affects more than 16 million children and their families nationwide and many of these families are low-income or poor. Traditional child support systems can compound with other social, human, and legal struggles, and parents attempting to navigate child support may encounter inefficiency, delay, complex legal jargon, language barriers, and lack of responsiveness to individual needs, prompting disengagement with the system.

In 2022, i4J partnered with the Michigan Office of Child Support to better understand the needs, motivations, challenges, and pain points that parents in the child support system face, and to craft human-centered solutions that address family needs and inform the potential adoption of statewide technologies.

Read Brief: UX Discovery: Michigan Child Support

Full Report: UX Discovery Report: Michigan Child Support

System Impact Area Projects

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UX Discovery: Michigan's Office of Child Support

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